The Aircraft...
A Beaver sits on the tarmac in Talkeetna in the rain. No flights on this day.

An Otter on the Kahiltna Glacier.

A Otter makes a late flight into Kahiltna base camp

A Beaver Engine

Not all of the flying in the Alaska goes as planned.

The Alaska Range...

The glaciers really make some of the best subjects when flying in the Alaska Range. Even when the clouds are hiding the peaks there are always interesting glacier patterns to photograph.

One thing that always adds interest to the glaciers are the added patterns of human presence. From the huge runway in the snow next to the busy camp of the Kahiltna Base, to a solitary track weaving through crevasses, these added patterns make some of my favorite photos.

The Mountains...
The mountains of the range make up some of the steepest, largest and most beautiful mountains in the world.
Mount Hunters north face

The Moose's Tooth

A ridge somewhere between the Kahiltna and Ruth Glaciers.

An unknown peak somewhere in the range.

Gold Creek drainage.

Small peaks at the base of the range.

Peaks in the lower Ruth Gorge

The summit of Mt. Hunter pokes through the clouds.

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